
Mykola Lysenko - Prayer for Ukraine (1885)
Librettist: Oleksandr Yakovych Konysky
Performers: Unknown

《為烏克蘭祈禱》( 「Молитва за Україну」,「Molitva za Ukrainu) 是一首讚美詩,創作於1885年,當時烏克蘭語被俄羅斯帝國政府壓制。由詩人兼翻譯Oleksandr Konynsky撰寫,作曲為Mykola Lysenko。這首讚美詩,常被烏克蘭各個教堂作為禮成詠,包括烏克蘭希臘禮天主教會和烏克蘭正教會。

Lyrics (English translation):
Lord, O the Great and Almighty,
Protect our beloved Ukraine,
Bless her with freedom and light
Of your holy rays.

With learning and knowledge enlighten
Us, your children small,
In love pure and everlasting
Let us, O Lord, grow.

We pray, O Lord Almighty,
Protect our beloved Ukraine,
Grant our people and country
All your kindness and grace.

Bless us with freedom, bless us with wisdom,
Guide into kind world,
Bless us, O Lord, with good fortune
Forever and evermore.